Saturday, May 27, 2006

More Comments on the Civil War

The Union, it seems is somewhat of a romantic idea. The idea of unity is one that is cherished even today, (See Restoration Movement) at least in theory. Often it seems that while unity is praised as an idea, few are willing to do what it takes to create or preserve unity.

It is a delicate balance that must exist between State's rights and the preservation of the Union. As Bryan D. said it is indeed remarkable that the country was able to heal itself so quickly. This was, perhaps, possible because of the same ideals that caused the divide. That the men who chose to divide (for the most part) believed that they were doing something that was part of God's will, and that their defeat in the brutal conflict was once again part of God's will.

It seems to me that the United States at least belongs together. As for Chechnya and other places, I don't feel that I am well informed enough to comment on them, with the exception of Ireland. The events in Northern Ireland over the last (pick a time span) have truly been tragic. It is easy to say that it simply needs to end. Where does the responsibility fall? England? Catholics? Protestants? Mel Gibson? Dan Brown? It is my opinon that the situation there is near to being hopelessly convoluted. Perhaps if something is done now the conflict there will not carry on for the next 50 generations, and a small part of the world can heal. Suggestions as to how this might occur? I have none, perhaps more informed people can make suggestions. It seems to me that all of Ireland also belongs together, unless Northern Ireland wishes to remain part of England. Self-determination is an excellent idea I think. For many of us, Ireland is nothing other than a green place where they brew Guinness. Perhaps a more educated view is needed.

Where is the line that demarcates playing the hand you are dealt on one side and trying to end unjust treatment?

Somewhere in all of this we must decide where things like "taxation without representation" supercede Romans 13. Is revolution a Biblically responsible action? Is preserving the union a Biblically responsible action? Is there such a thing as a Biblically responsible action? If complete unity looks like the United Nations then I am no longer interested in unity.

Union/unity. A romantic idea.


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